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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Stencil once again
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Date: Wed, 23 Aug 95 23:16:43 PDT
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bill writes:
> I am having trouble with stencil again. I have a flat surface. On this
> surface I have stenciled a disk without a problem. The disk is going
> to have an Image mapped to it. Then I went into text mode(actually
> the curve text macro) and typed out a line of text" DEATH RATTLER"
> When the text appeared onscreen I cut the back set of points so it
^- maybe this is the problem.
Don't extrude your font at all--this will eliminate any possible
> would only be one layer, and rotated it so it was parallel with
> the flat surface, and positioned so it would wrap around the stenciled
> disk. I have it below the flat plain with the normals facing up. I
> I put it in the background layer select stencil and it responds with
> the busy prompt. Well it never finishes. Seems like a simple task to
> me. The font is BlakBones( each lerrter is made up of bones). I
> tried a single letter but the same problem arose.
> Anybody got Ideas ?
go to COARSE in curve division BEFORE you make the letters.
> -bill
>23-Aug-1995 1024 <leimberger@marbls.ENET.dec.com> sent this message.